
Before Girl Power Was Popular, the Riot Grrrls Made It Punk

At the start of Women’s History Month, L’OFFICIEL delves into one of the most influential feminist underground music scenes the 90s had to offer.

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Riot Grrrl, regarded both as a movement and a music genre, emerged in the early 90s with the help of young feminists across the Pacific Northwest region. It all began in Olympia, Washington, where a group of women met to discuss the ever-present sexism in the punk scene. Rightfully enraged by this, they sought out to establish their own space, one that stood for female empowerment and fostered an environment in which women were free to exist without the male gaze. 

The bands credited with the formation of the movement include Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, L7, Bratmobile, and more. They were all amongst the first female-fronted groups to infiltrate the male-dominated space that was the punk scene. With songs like Bikini Kill's “Rebel Girl” and Bratmobile's “Cool Schmool,” these bands formed a vanguard of like-minded people united by the sole purpose of bettering the female experience. 

Bratmobile, 1994.

Riot Grrrl was a political movement at its core, and having taken place contemporaneously with the era of Third Wave Feminism, spoke to the many overlooked issues plaguing society including sexism, sexual harassment, and racial inequality, amongst other things. The movement aimed to address topics mainstream media outlets wouldn’t dare cover. Though their work may not seem too radical in today’s climate, during their height Riot Grrrls were consistently misrepresented, ridiculed, and attacked by the media for their views. Regarded by some as naive man-haters, Riot Grrrls were often painted in a negative light, but despite this continued to spread messages they deemed worthy of voicing, through various channels including music, fanzines, local meetings, and more.

A 1992 ad for a Riot Grrrl convention in Washington D.C.
Bikini Kill, 1994.

In addition to creating music, a central aspect of the Riot Grrrl movement was the distribution of educational zines. These consisted of stories and first-hand accounts of experiences with domestic abuse, eating disorders, discrimination, homophobia, racism, and more. They served as a platform in which Riot Grrrls could share their ideas, thoughts, and lived experiences with one another. The phrase “girl power” circulated through these zines before pop culture appropriated it. The DIY, make-shift publications played a seminal role in the movement, and in an age almost completely devoid of social media, acted as a vehicle for mass communication.

Cover of Riot Grrrl's first zine, 1991.

Riot Grrrl’s influence stretched far beyond their ideologies. The movement created a general attitude shared by its members, one that didn’t subscribe to society’s standards of the “average” woman. This could be seen in their clothing, or lack thereof, as leading bands like Bikini Kill could be seen performing in their bras with words like "slut" written across their torsos. The Riot Grrrl style knew no limits, and they could be seen wearing schoolgirl skirts, babydoll dresses, oversized band tees, and grunge-inspired flannel shirts. The duality in their fashions spoke to their lack of regard for social standards. Additionally, they sought to reclaim stereotypically "girly" qualities, liberating themselves of judgement previously placed upon them by society. By embracing their femininity, they were sticking it to the man, and unabashedly at that. 

Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill.

The Riot Grrrl era, however short-lived, made great strides in the feminist movement. It brought about a new way of thinking, one that combined art with politics and catered to the young minds of its audience. In this way, Riot Grrrl still lives on today, and its influences can be heard in newer bands like The Regrettes, Childbirth, and GRLwood to name a few. The movement paved the way for rightfully angry girls and budding feminists alike to express themselves wholeheartedly. It allowed for them to feel seen and heard in a world that otherwise seldom encouraged such, and became an empowering force that reached beyond subculture.

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